A few days ago, Solo.io announced on its official blog that it has open sourced a new project called BumbleBee. BumbleBee is focused on simplifying the user experience of building eBPF tools that help build, run and distribute eBPF programs using OCI images. Build, run and distribute eBPF programs.

Docker-like experience

Idit Levine, CEO of Solo.io, said, “At Solo.io, we see eBPF as a key supporting technology to improve application networking. Over the last year, we’ve been working on using eBPF technology in conjunction with Gloo Mesh, our Istio-based service grid product for the enterprise. We faced many challenges in developing eBPF extensions, which led us to develop BumbleBee to help streamline our eBPF efforts.”

Idit Levine also said the company developed BumbleBee to automatically generate sample userspace code needed to access eBPF technology running at the kernel level. Idit Levine describes it as a Docker-like experience.

Project: https://github.com/solo-io/bumblebee

Gloo Mesh Enterprise was launched at the beginning of the year.

At the beginning of the year Solo.io officially released Gloo Mesh Enterprise, an enterprise-class service mesh management solution that increases the availability and controllability of service meshes and simplifies Istio’s complex operations in multi-cluster and multi-cloud environments, while enabling users to extend service mesh deployments with WebAssembly.

Previously known as Service Mesh Hub and originally introduced by Solo.io in 2019, Gloo Mesh is a modern Kubernetes-native, cloud-native control plane. The solution enables joint management of configuration and operations across multiple heterogeneous service meshes in multiple clusters through a unified API. the Gloo Mesh API simplifies configuration, operations, and lifecycle management for multi-cloud, multi-network environments. gloo Mesh is available in two versions, an open source version and an enterprise version sold as a standalone product, Gloo Mesh Enterprise.

Gloo Mesh can run either in its own cluster or co-located with Kubernetes pods, enabling global traffic routing, load balancing, access control and centralized visibility into multi-cluster environments. It can discover Kubernetes-based microservices and workloads and establish a federated identity to help configure different service grids through a single API. gloo Mesh also supports multi-platform service grids across clouds and zones, locally-aware routing, and cross-cluster failover for zero-trust networks.

Solo.io Other Products

  • SuperGloo : a service grid orchestration platform.
  • WebAssembly Hub : a set of tools and repositories for building, deploying, sharing and discovering Envoy Proxy Wasm extensions for Envoy and Istio.
  • Gloo Mesh Gateway: the first full-featured enterprise API gateway built on Istio.

Solo.io’s 2022 Technology Trend Forecast

Looking ahead to 2022, Solo.io has released its latest year of technology predictions, as follows.

Istio Continues to Rise

The open source Istio will continue to cement its position as the dominant platform for Service Grid architecture in Kubernetes environments, with other weaker alternatives fading quickly. a CNCF survey shows that about three times as many users have adopted Istio as Linkerd, and analysts say Istio will continue to lead the way for Service Grids worldwide.

Security in focus

Security remains a top concern for businesses and even for everyone. Microservices bring more attack surfaces and complexity in protecting sensitive data. An emerging trend is the adoption of comprehensive “zero trust” security where every application/microservice connection is authenticated and authorized to complement encryption (mTLS), Web Application Firewall (WAF), Data Loss Prevention (DLP), and other precautions. A service grid built on Istio can provide a relatively simple way to achieve zero-trust security.

GraphQL will become mainstream

Developers love GraphQL because it’s so simple and declarative. On the one hand, as API consumers increase and are distributed across different digital devices, platforms or networks, it becomes more important to get exactly what you are asking for; on the other hand, GraphQL servers are not easy to develop and operate, and it is expensive to learn how to write parsers, how to stitch together multiple schemas, and how to operate GraphQL servers and their applications. These challenges present an opportunity for vendors to innovate in this area in order to make GraphQL easily available to service producers without rewriting their applications and facilitating consumers to get exactly what they are asking for.

eBPF/Linux Heats Up

eBPF has the potential to greatly enhance the way service grids operate. eBPF is rapidly emerging as a flexible, secure, and fast way to execute custom logic in the Linux kernel, and is currently being developed in an open source project called Cilium, which provides networking, observability, and security based on eBPF.

GitOps Continues to Grow

One of the great benefits of using a declarative configuration approach is understanding the intent of the desired end state of the system. Experts predict more products will integrate well with GitOps in 2022, not only for initial deployments, but also in full lifecycle management including upgrades and rollbacks. In addition, artificial intelligence can be used in conjunction with GitOps to handle issues such as moving more production traffic to updated configurations or rolling back based on increased failure rates or latency.

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