What is Manjaro?
Manjaro, simply put, is an Arch Linux-based distribution. Manjaro’s goal is to make the powerful Arch more user-friendly, such as the installation process. Compared to Arch Linux installation where you have to use the command line for partitioning, mounting partitions, network card settings, etc., it directly provides a graphical installation interface similar to other Linux distributions and has some common settings already pre-configured, including some hardware drivers that will be installed automatically, and a desktop environment and common software pre-installed.
Because of its backing to Arch, it inherits the strong advantages of Arch Linux: the
- The most complete support documentation, the Arch Linux wiki should be the most complete Linux operation manual at present
- Support rolling update, one command can upgrade the whole system including software to the latest version without reboot
- The most complete software repository, Arch Linux’s AUR repository contains the most complete and up-to-date Linux software, which can be installed with a single command
However, Manjaro has some additional features of its own, including.
- Simplified, user-friendly installation process
- Automatic detection of the computer’s hardware (e.g. graphics card)
- Automatic installation of necessary software for the system (e.g. graphics card drivers)
- Its own dedicated software repository to ensure the availability of fully tested and stable packages
- Easy installation and use of multiple kernels.
Useful links.
Manjaro installation
The installation of Manjaro is very simple, just follow the interface guide all the way to Next. The only thing that may be confusing is which Linux desktop environment to install, after all, there are many supported desktop environments.
The official recommendations are.
- XFCE: very lightweight, suitable for users with poor hardware conditions, occupying fewer resources
- KDE: the operating interface is similar to that of Windows
- ARCHITECH: command line version, similar to Arch Linux, later to install what are their own solutions, suitable for Geek
- GNOME (GNOME3): operating interface similar to Mac OS
Community-maintained versions.
- MATE: The continuation of GNOME2, you can choose to use GNOME3 if you are not used to it.
- CINNAMON: the interface used by Mint Linux, using the technology of GNOME3, to achieve the interface of GNOME2
- OPENBOX: the same a lightweight desktop, have not used, not quite understand the specific.
- AWESOME: a highly customizable desktop system, suitable for Geek
- BSPWM: lightweight tiled window desktop, not used.
- BUDGIE: looks like the interface is based on GNOME2
- I3: highly configurable tiled interface
- DEEPIN: Developed by a domestic team, the interface is between Windows and Mac OS. the UI looks good
Because of the poor hardware of the installed laptop, the XFCE version was used. Also the DEEPIN version is quite interesting to try. -I’ve updated it to DEEPIN version.
Manjora post-installation configuration and software installation
1, update source (choose domestic one) and update system for the first time
2. Add Arch Linux Chinese community repository
Edit the /etc/pacman.conf file and add the following information to the file.
Note: The image repo address can be obtained from https://github.com/archlinuxcn/mirrorlist-repo.
After the file is modified, the GPG key needs to be imported locally at
3. Installing AUR management tools
To use the software in AUR, one way is to open AUR in the settings of the graphical software installation screen and then search for it to install, and the other is to use the command line tool to install it.
Since Yaourt is no longer maintained, Yay is chosen here to manage the software in the AUR repository.
Yay defaults to using the French aur.archlinux.org as the AUR source, which can be changed to the domestic mirror provided by Tsinghua University.
The yay user executes the following command to modify aururl.
The modified configuration file is located at ~/.config/yay/config.json
For yaourt users, modify /etc/yaourtrc by removing the # AURURL comment and modifying it to
4. Install and configure Chinese input method
Edit the configuration file ~/.xprofile (or create it if the file does not exist) and add the following.
If you install Sogou Input Method
sudo pacman -S fcitx-sogoupinyin
The problem will not work, the system prompts the following: Fix the Sogou input method exception! Please delete .config/SogouPY and restart.
However, installing the above operation does not solve the problem. From the command line, execute
You can get the following error message.
Solution: Search fcitx-libs-, unpack it and get libfcitx-qt.so.0, copy libfcitx-qt.so.0 to /usr/lib. Here is the contents of libfcitx-qt.so.0 that others have already unpacked. Unpacked content.
To install the Sogou Roulan skin.
yay -S sogoupinyin-skin-roulan
5. Install snap software management tool
Snap is another software installation and management tool (comes with it on Ubuntu). A software repository is provided. Relevant software information can be obtained by querying https://snapcraft.io/store. Installation process.
6. Delete some unwanted software
You can decide for yourself what to delete according to your needs.
7. Installation of common software
8. Install Chinese fonts
Microsoft elegant black: https://github.com/fphoenix88888/ttf-mswin10-arch
Chinese open source font set: https://github.com/DrXie/OSFCC
Manual installation of fonts method: the fonts will be font files down to the corresponding directory: the
- Global user: /usr/share/fonts/
- Single user: ~/.local/share/fonts
When finished, execute.
fc-cache -vf
9. Installation of Anaconda environment
Return to content.
Then run.
If activation is too cumbersome, you can add the following to the .bashrc file in the user directory
To download Python packages more quickly, you can modify the pip source
The above installation method uses root for installation, which leads to permission problems when installing Python later. Solution.
- Download the .sh installation file from the Anaconda official website
- Execute the following command to enter the installation sh . /Anaconda3-2019.07-Linux-x86_64.sh
- add export PATH=~/anaconda3/bin:$PATH to the ~/.bashrc file
- finally update the configuration source ~/.bashrc
- Install Jupyter Lab: pip install jupyterlab
Since the server of Anaconda.org is abroad, it is usually slow to download using conda in China. So you usually use Tsinghua TUNA mirror source in China.
10. Installation of MYSQL
11. Installation of PostgreSQL
After the initialization is complete, the configuration file and system libraries are created. Next, edit the configuration files. The configuration files are located in the data directory you just created. First modify the postgresql.conf file, remove the comment character in front of listen_address, and change the content to * if you want to listen to all IPs.
Then modify the pg_hba.conf file by changing.
Modify to
The pg_hba.conf file format declares.
- TYPE connection type, which indicates which methods are allowed to connect to the database, and it allows the following values.
- local connects via Unix socket.
- host connects via TCP/IP, which can match SSL and non-SSL connections.
- hostssl allows only SSL connections.
- hostnossl allows only non-SSL connections.
- DATABASE Connectable databases, it has the following special values.
- all Matches all databases.
- sameuser connects to databases with the same user name.
- samerole allows connections to databases with the same role name.
- replication allows replicated connections for database synchronization in a clustered environment. In addition to the above special values, we can write specific databases, and can split multiple databases with commas (,).
- USER The user to which the database can be connected. The value can be written in three ways.
- all Matches all users.
- Database specific user name.
- A specific database user group, which needs to be preceded by + (e.g., +admin).
- ADDRESS The address to which the database can be connected, in the following forms.
- all Matches all IP addresses.
- samehost matches the IP address of this server.
- samenet Matches the IP address under the subnet of this server.
- ipaddress/netmask, supports IPv4 and IPv6.
- If none of the above forms match, it will be treated as hostname. Note: Only host, hostssl, hostnossl will apply a field.
- METHOD The authentication method for connecting to the database, with several common special values.
- trust Unconditionally pass authentication.
- reject Unconditionally deny authentication.
- md5 Authentication with an md5 encrypted password.
- password Authenticate with a clear-text password, not recommended for use on untrusted networks.
- ident Obtain the client’s OS username from an ident server (RFC1413) and use it as the allowed database username for authentication, only for TCP/IP types (i.e. host, hostssl, hostnossl).
- peer gets the client’s OS username from the kernel and uses it as the allowed database username for authentication, and can only be used for local connections (i.e. local).
- Other special values can be found in the official documentation. In short, both ident and peer require the presence of the corresponding user in the client OS. Note: Only the md5 and password listed above require a password, the other methods do not require password authentication.
Restart the service after modification.
Set the login password for the postgres account.
12. Change the Chinese folder in the user directory to English
13、Time-synchronization problem of dual system
If you install a dual system (Windows, Linux) will have the problem of time is not synchronized, the reason is that Window records the time using locatime, while windows records the time is UTC. so when the system will synchronize the time to the hardware will be a problem. The simple solution is to set the time under Linux to unlocaltime.
** Other software to be tried**
Reference links :.